Example painting quote estimator. This Spread can be embedded in your website to retain potential customers and improve customer satisfaction.
Helping a client with financial literacy? Create a spreadsheet, convert it using Spread and send the link to your client. They can open in on their computer or on their smartphone. Minimal inputs reduces information overload and improves retention. A happy client is a returning client.
Does your spreadsheet have sensitive information? Don't worry, your mark-up rates and other calculations are kept on our servers.
Are you writing a report and need interactive charts embedded in your think-piece? Create a Spread without any required inputs, showcase your research and allow Spread to emphasise your points.
Does your spreadsheet have sensitive information? Don't worry, your mark-up rates and other calculations are kept on our servers.
Are you writing a report and need interactive charts embedded in your think-piece? Create a Spread without any required inputs, showcase your research and allow Spread to emphasise your points.